Our Past Our Impact

As a grassroots organization run almost entirely of volunteers, we prioritize the things our community needs the most. This page is mostly to serve as a reference point for grant applications and measuring our impact, but we’re all about transparency so it is also available here for your viewing pleasure.

This page is constantly being updated, so please check back every so often! 

FY 2023-2024


  • Built a community of 150 members on our community discover server, which actively engages in activism, mutual aid, and volunteer opportunities daily 
  • Raised $50,000 in funds through Founder + Board outreach and fundraising alone over a period of 8 months
  • Provided over $1,000 in fresh, hot food from our cafe directly to folks through our cafe’s Food Fund program 
  • Provided cafe space for over 50 hours of learning and engagement for the Quincy Coders Club, a local non-profit organization empowering kids to teaching other kids how to code and user technology (weekly sessions at our space on Wednesdays from 1-4)
  • Advocacy work for the Massachusetts ACLU by hosting informational sessions for important bills affecting our community members (the most recent one being the “Shield Your Location” act)
  • Donated over $2,000 in necessities and extras to families staying at the local migrant shelter at Quincy’s East Nazarene College
    • >$1,000 toiletries and necessities from our November toiletry drive
    • >$1,000 personalized holiday gifts and notes (donors got to “build their own gift basket” and make handwritten cards for the migrants) 
  • Host multiple recurring community events at our cafe space to help foster a more inclusive, diverse, and radically loving community
    • AAPI LGBTQIA+ Book Club
    • Acoustic Jam Sessions
    • History of Chinatown workshops and classes
  • Assist with emergency crisis response housing for at-risk youth without housing and at risk of homelessness due to hostile living conditions
    • Raised over $2,500 in funds from Board donations to secure safe temporary AirBnB housing for youth
    • Work alongside other non-profit organizations to help secure stable housing for at-risk youth